12 Aralık 2014 Cuma


Did you know that which scholar discovered that the Earth moves 600 years ago before Galileo or did you know that same scholar made investigation regarding the law of gravitation much earlier than Newton? Let’s have a look together who is this scholar that many Western scholars examined very carefully his works.

Ebû Reyhan Muhammed Bin Ahmet El- Bîrûnî (973 – 1051)

Al-Biruni is regarded as one of the greatest scholars of the mediecal Islamic era and was well versed in physics, mathematics, astronomy, and natural sciences, and also distinguished himself as a historian, chronologist and linguist. He was born in 973 in the Khwarezm region which was based in what is now the area of Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan borders and along the Ceyhun River.

Biruni who was under the auspices of the Khorezmshah Palace, attracted attention with his intelligence on his early ages and he began its observation work when he was  11 years old and measured the sun’s meridian altitude by dividing a rotating dial to half degree angles when he was 17.

Biruni has left many permanent works to the scientific world in different fields of science and well- known as a mathematician. Biruni was the greatest mathematicians of the century when he lived and he was the first scientist that proposed the adoption of the radius as a one unit in trigonometric functions and has added secant, cosecant and cotangent functions besides the functions such as sine and cosine. These inventions of him have been discovered and used by the Western World after barely 2 centuries.

The Model shows the Positions of the Moon Drawn by Biruni

He computed density of six liquid and 23 solids, very close to present value of them. He also left some works in medical field as well and he made a woman given birth by cesarean section. "Kitabu's Saydane" written by Biruni about herbs and some drugs, is his latest work and written in 1050. In this book, written properties of features of 3000 herbs and how they are used.

One of his major extant astronomical work is theMesudî fi'l Heyeti ve'n-Nücum" and this book has reached today although his other works in the field of astronomy are unfortunately lost. 

Biruni repeatedly attacks Aristotle's celestial physics: he argues by simple experiment that vacuum must exist; he is "amazed" by the weakness of Aristotle's argument against elliptical orbits on the basis that they would create vacuum; he attacks the immutability of the celestial spheres;and so on.

Biruni’s works with a total of 196 have been translated into various languages in medieval Europe and unfortunately only 27 of them have reached until today. 

The main issues to be highlighted should be about Intellectual Property Rights while examine Biruni’s productivity and scholar identity. Forasmuch, it is unknown on a global scale that many inventions discovered by him long before his western colleagues.

In fact, the importance of inventions was not much different in the past. The only difference was there was a no way to protect them. When reviewing historical identities, we see how these inventions can be effective enough to change the lives of millions of people. For this reason, you should take under protect all your such works and inventions without delay.


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